Studio A

From: $60.00

All Studio is a 2hr Min and 5 people max capacity. A Room utilize 64bit Protools hdx – State of the art room w analog gear distressors, fatso and outboard reverb.  All rooms have Waves and Autotune plugins stocked ready to go, We Day Special 10am – 5pm $45hr  {2hr Min)

We require a 20 smoke fee to keep our gear serviced and cleaned. After each session we spray and wipe down our room for the next session.

As a professional recording studio, we kindly request that anyone interested in utilizing our facilities for filming purposes obtain prior permission and pay the necessary video fee. We also take pride in providing a high level of service and accommodating all of our clients, and we are confident that these policies allow us to fulfill that commitment. We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these guidelines. Please do not hesitate to contact us

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